Advancing Sustainable Agriculture

Much of our work in sustainable agriculture is done through our Kellogg’s Origins™ Program that includes more than 40 active projects. These initiatives are built in partnership with suppliers, farmers, scientists and NGOs to increase productivity, improve environmental outcomes and positively impact farmer livelihoods.


Are where all our

Breakfasts begin
Meet some of
the dedicated farmers

We founded The Kellogg’s Origins Programme because
we believe in giving our GRAINS the best start.

Working with a community of grain farmers across Europe, our sustainable and natural farming practices help protect the special places where our grains are grown and harvested, year on year.


Kellogg’s Origins UK – A Year in the Life of a Grain

Did you know every bowl of Kellogg’s cereal takes more than a year to make?

It all starts out in the fields – and for Special K and Bran Flakes, that’s a wheat field in the British countryside. We’re proud to work closely with our farmers in the UK to help protect and enhance the natural habitat where our grains grow, so they can provide the best quality ingredients for our cereal. We’ve created this video to show the journey of our grains into your breakfast bowl.